Whew -- between deck-staining, dsl-installing, dog-walking, and a smidgen of the actual work that I get paid to do, there's been no time for proper bloggage the past couple of days.
So instead, I'll just re-purpose the following note that I sent out on our company "staff announcements" email list a few days ago. The following truly is a worth cause, so if you can help out, please do so...
The 2004 Patti Burns Memorial Walkathon to benefit Radio Information Service will be held on Sunday, October 24 from 9am – noon at the Carnegie Mellon University track.
Radio Information Service is a non-profit radio station that broadcasts the reading of print material to thousands of listeners in Western PA. The vast majority of our listeners are blind – however, we also have a large number of listeners that we classify as simply “print-handicapped,” meaning that for one reason or another they can’t read or hold printed material. We have listeners with cerebral palsy, severe dyslexia, and any number of other conditions that prevent them from reading printed material.
Registration is $20, and walkers are encouraged to solicit sponsors to raise additional funds. More information available here. (Click the link that says "Events.")
If you’re an animal lover, you’ll likely enjoy one of the entertainment events that goes along with the walkathon – the Lucky Dog Training Center puts on a demonstration with some of their guide dogs. It’s pretty amazing to see how these animals are trained to assist the visually-challenged.
Dig it.